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Literotica – This is the biggest smut source out there on the net most likely. To make your life easier, I've ranked, rated and reviewed each of these destinations so that you can get a very quick picture of what's the cream of the crop in regard to gay erotic stories. There are literally thousands of gay stories out there, and I'm sure that if you have something you're looking for, someone has already written about it and it's just a matter of time before you source what it is you want. These sites blend together professional publications and amateur submissions. I myself was surprised when looking around on the internet over the last few weeks for sites in this category to find that there are quite a few and to be honest, so many are offering high-quality content.Įrotic stories come in a number of different shapes and sizes: some of them are even gay in nature! It was hard to whittle it all down to just a few choice destinations, but I think I've done the best that I can where homoerotic literature is concerned. Can you help me out?If you haven't found out yet, there are tons of sites which host amateur and semi-pro literotica. I love free gay sex stories with romantic storylines between guys, Porn Dude.

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